It takes me about ten minutes to get to school by scooter. Some days the bolt in my scooter comes out and I have to walk it to school in case the wheel comes off. It made me think, that I'd like a safer and more efficient way of getting to school. I thought about an electric scooter, but did you know it takes about 25 volts to charge an electric scooter? That takes a lot of electricity. So I have designed a solar scooter. My solar scooter has 5 simple parts;
The 1st thing on my design is a solar panel because if it didn't have one it would be a normal electric scooter with a battery which needs electricity to charge it, so the solar panel is there to charge the battery.
The 2nd thing I have on my efficient scooter design is wheels and everyone knows that wheels make a scooter go and these particular wheels need to be connected to a motor to make them move, so the wheels are there to help the scooter move.
The 3rd part of my design is the key and the key is the key to starting the engine. If the key wasn't there how would you start it? I know that there are many different ways to start things but I don't know any other way to start an electric scooter or a car, so the key is there to help start the engine.
The 4th part is the battery and if the battery wasn't there,there might be nothing to store all the solar energy or convert the solar into electric energy,so the battery is there to store or convert energy.
My 5th and final one is the brakes and if it didn't have brakes you have to use your shoes which the pavement might scrape the rubber off them so the brakes are there to stop the scooter safely.
I have designed an energy efficient way to travel to school, because it has a solar panel, wheels, a keyhole, a battery, and brakes. It's a solar scooter! If everyone in the world did this there would be much less pollution.