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Wednesday 9 September 2015

My speech 2015 - car danger

Have you ever jammed your fingers or toes in any kind of closing mechanism? Doesn't it hurt? Maybe you caught your foot in a sliding door or maybe you carelessly left your fingers in a closing car door. I wasn't prepared for the kind of pain jamming your fingers can cause. Especially from somewhere I wasn't expecting it.

It all happened about a year ago on a Sunday morning. It was one of those days when the luminous light of the sun brightens up a cloudless sky but it is wintry and cold. We were at Arthur's Pass. 

I was beside the car on a deserted no exit road called sunshine terrace. Mum, (who seems to overreact over some things that aren't really that bad but hurt a lot) had decided to go to the doc centre and watch the the backstory of Arthur's Pass. We dumped our stuff in the boot getting ready to go, as I walked towards the car little did know of the potential danger that lay ahead…

As I slung my bag my hand hovered closer and closer to the car, I turned and rested my fingers on the side of the car, dangerously close to the boot.
As if in slow motion the boot started to creak shut, I whirled back around, then it happened, the worst thing I could think about, the boot had slammed shut on two of my fingers! 

There wasn't to much pain but a tingle, like the one that goes down your spine after chalk runs across a blackboard and it permeated my entire hand. I was more scared than it hurt but when the boot opened my fingers were bruised, bloody and it hurt to much to put anything on top of it. Mum quickly grabbed an ice pack and sat me down on the sofa with her phone while dad and my brother went to watch the movie. While I waited I was playing games. When my brother and dad came back it still hurt a lot but the intense pain had calmed a little, and over time the bruise slowly but surely started to disappear. Weeks later, the bruise had completely gone!

Well I guess this incident taught me one thing, to be that much more careful around doorways, car doors,  windows AND BOOTS. And I hope, unlike me, you don't choose to learn this the hard way.

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