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Thursday 26 June 2014

Character description: basketball

“Wheeeeeeee”went the whistle. The thumping sound of shoes slowly faded away and with it voices rose out of thin air. The ref indicated a number on his fingers,“12,my number.” I muttered. A boy from the other team that had a number 5 on his back,threw the ball in to another player. He had straight jet Black hair that went down to his eyes. His nose was pale with a lot of freckles that looked like tiny basketballs. He also had sapphire blue eyes with emerald green. His ears usually looked pale white but now were a bright ruby red. there were beads of sweat dripping down his face and hair. The neck was long and skinny as well as arms that looked like they had been stretched like a rubber band, perfect for slam dunks. His shoulders were sloping like a steep hill. The thumping sound of shoes suddenly lifted off again,then a huge WHUMP!!!Then a whistle,he had scored!!!


  1. What a wonderful moment. Great suspense. Pip

  2. Nice, you really described him well I could just picture him in my head
